Thursday, December 21, 2006

Blogger's new bag of tricks

Blogger has always been the easiest-to-use blogging software around, but it just got way more powerful. We've added a bunch of new features, which you can check out in the new version:

You can add stuff to your blog (cute cat photos, lists, feeds) without needing to know HTML.
You can also make a completely unique template that has just the color scheme you want, without knowing any CSS.
Don't want your mom to read your thoughts? Make a private blog. Label your posts, to group related ones together. Use one of our new templates.
You can now sign in to Blogger using your Google Account.

click for [more] Details

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Age of Search Engines

1993 Aliweb Launch
1994 WebCrawler Launch
1994 Lycos Launch
1995 AltaVista Launch (part of DEC)
1995 Excite Launch
1996 Inktomi Founded
1996 Ask Jeeves Founded
1997 Northern Light Launch
1998 Google Launch
1999 AlltheWeb Launch
2000 Teoma Founded
2004 Yahoo! Search Final launch (first original results)
2004 MSN Search Beta launch
2005 MSN Search Final launch
2006 Quaero Founded
2006 Launch
2006 Windows Live Search Launch
2006 Quintura Launch
2006 Beta launch

click this for more details about search engines